[DEBUG] : Connexion OK

"; } $get_tdj = db_get_tdj($conn,$table,$table_tdj,$datejour,$path_to_images); if (is_array($get_tdj) AND $get_tdj[0] != "") { // On a bien une tronche du jour if ($debug=="ON" && $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]=="") { echo "

[DEBUG] : is_array(get_tdj) AND get_tdj[0] != ''

"; } $img = $path_to_images . "/". $get_tdj[2]; // 0=ID, 1=NOM, 2=PHOTO } else { // On n'a pas de tronche du jour if ($debug=="ON" && $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]=="") { echo "

[DEBUG] : FAUX -> is_array(get_tdj) AND get_tdj[0] != ''

"; } $cre_tdj = db_create_tdj($conn,$table,$table_tdj,$datejour,$path_to_images); if (is_array($cre_tdj) AND $cre_tdj[1] != "") { // On a bien pu créer la tronche du jour if ($debug=="ON" && $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]=="") { echo "

[DEBUG] : is_array(cre_tdj) AND cre_tdj[1] != ''

"; } $img = $path_to_images . $cre_tdj[3]; // 0=VRAI/FAUX, 1=ID, 2=NOM, 3=PHOTO } else { if ($debug=="ON" && $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]=="") { echo "

[DEBUG] : FAUX -> is_array(cre_tdj) AND cre_tdj[1] != ''

"; } $img = $path_to_images . "/defaut.jpg"; } } } else { if ($debug=="ON" && $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]=="") { echo "

[DEBUG] : Connexion KO

"; } $img = $path_to_images . "/defaut.jpg"; } $img = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/communaute/tronches/" . $img; if ($debug=="ON" && $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]=="") { echo "Tronche = $img"; exit; } // Etape 2 : Affichage de l'image list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($img); $wt = 100; $ht = 100; $imgtmp = imagecreatetruecolor($wt,$ht); $imgsrc = imagecreatefromjpeg($img); imagecopyresampled($imgtmp,$imgsrc,0,0,0,0,$wt,$ht,$width,$height); header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); imagejpeg($imgtmp); imagedestroy($imgtmp); ?>